Cosmetic Ingredients

<Original Innovative Cosmetic Ingredients>

*Few of the ingredients listed above have restriction on sales area.
Please consult us for detailed information.

GO-VC®Silver Award

GO-VCmoisture GEL


Water, Caprylyl 2-Glyceryl Ascorbate

Feature / Application

Amphiphilic Vitamin C derivative with astounding stability
*Excellent Stability (Reduced brown discoloration)
*For Various Formulation (Easy to be formulated in emulsion and gel cosmetics)
*Antioxidative effect for p.acnes
*Enhancing effect on collagen production
*Anti-bacterial activity





INCI Name differs according to outer shell and encapsulated materials

Feature / Application

Antioxidative Vitamin C/E Derivatives as Nano-Capsule Materials
*Stability of encapsulated components in Nanosphere® is improved
*Permeation ability of encapsulated components in Nanosphere® is enhanced

Structure of Nanosphere® Capsule
Structure of Nanosphere

<Capable Encapsulated Ingredients>

COQ10 (Ubiquinone)
Retinol Palmitate
Vitamin E (Tocopherol)
Quercea 20
Mulberry Root Extract
Strawberry Fruit Extract

Quercea 20 (Quercetin)


Allium Cepa (Onion) Bulb Extract, Quercetin

Feature / Application

Anti-bacterial Onion Skin Extract(Brown color powder)
*High antioxidant effect compared to ascorbic acid
*UV (UV-A and UV-B) protection
*Anti-bacterial effect against staphylococcus aureus and various bacteria
*Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) for streptococcus mutans is very low as 1.2μg/mL
* Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) for P.acne is low as 630μg/mL
*Substitution for preservatives like paraben

Anti-agingUV ProtectionAnti-bacterial Hand Gel

Anti-bacterial Activity Test
Anti-bacterial Activity Test

Strawberry Fruit Extract


Butylene Glycol, Water, Fragaria Ananassa (Strawberry) Fruit Extract

Feature / Application

Cosmetic Ingredient made from Special Japanese Strawberries (liquid)

*Anti-aging ingredient made by Japanese technology
*Inhibit cell damage by UVA
*Inhibit the amount of intracellular Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) caused by UVA
*Inhibit production of various inflammatory cytokine caused by UVA

Antioxidant Anti-acneAnti-aging

Inhibit Cell Damage by UVA
Inhibit Cell Damage by UVA

Mineral Clay Powder

beKirei Oxy shootbeKirei SP creamSTI



Feature / Application

Natural Mineral Clay Powder with Skin Care Function
Two product type according to particle diameter:
TERSIL (7 colors) SPARCLAY (8 colors)

*Only heat is used for sterilization process (No radiation)
*100% naturally derived pigments (No artificial coloring agent and synthetic pigment are used)
*Mineral Clay Powder has water retaining ability, anti-oxidant effect, sebum absorption effect, skin-elasticity improving effect and hair-care effect

Face WashCreamShampooBrightening

Hair-care Effect
Placebo shampoo / Shampoo with 4%TERSIL®︎CGYBB cream containing SPARCLAY Before application / BB cream containing SPARCLAY After application

Mulberry Root Extract

JYUMORepaoe Lip


Alcohol, Water Morus Alba Root Extract (Brown liquid)

Feature / Application

*Recover hair growth cycle from Telogen to Anagen

Hair and eyelash care items

Clinical Test Result
Clinical Test Result

<Original Innovative Cosmetic Ingredients>